Electromagnetic Medical Technologies Lab
now at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre

Interested in working with us?
Undergraduate students at McGill: I am currently looking for motivated undergrads from any department at McGill to work part-time on research projects. Please reach out if you are interested!
Prospective Master's or PhD students: The lab is starting to hire for Fall 2024! We are looking for electrical, computer, or biomedical engineering background primarily but others may be considered. See program and application details here
Potential collaborators? We are always happy to collaborate on projects!
Contact Dr. Porter @ emily.porter@mcgill.ca
I look forward to hearing from you
In the Electromagnetic Medical Technologies (EMT) Lab, we are interested in electromagnetic (EM)-based solutions with applications in diagnostic, therapeutic, supportive or assistive medical technologies. Primarily based in the radio-frequency and microwave frequency ranges, these EM-based technologies are promising due to their low-cost, minimally invasive nature, ability to provide highly frequent scan data, and the potential for combined diagnosis and treatment (i.e., theranostics), or combined monitoring and proactive intervention or correction. Our research approach incorporates innovation in engineering with knowledge from multiple fields in order to deliver results that are timely, and of interest to both the medical and engineering communities. We strive to keep research driven by concrete needs, with a clinically-informed and commercially-validated approach to medical technologies. Working in this area can be very rewarding, as any contributions we make can hopefully directly help both patients and the general public, and improve their health and quality of life.
Images from past and current computational and applied research projects. Top: dielectric measurement of biological tissues and dielectric property sensing for tissue and interface detection; middle: numerical and experimental electromagnetic modelling of the head, bladder, and breast; bottom: prototype testing of microwave ablation on excised animal tissue; microwave breast health monitoring; and wearable electrodes for skin abnormality detection.