Activities and Events

Sept. 2024:
Yunxiao and Fadilah testing out our new 3D printer and creating our first lab mascot!
Yunxiao and Emily @ the RI's summer student poster day in Aug. 2024.
Yunxiao presented his poster on optimizing antenna arrangements for high-resolution microwave imaging!

Research Day
May 29, 2024

A selfie of us (Yunxiao, Emily, Cam)
with our poster!
Yunxiao presenting about how the phantom making process is a lot like making sushi :D

Emily and Yunxiao
Enjoying a much needed break!

EMT Lab represent!
Yunxiao, Eleonora, Emily and Andrew
Milica Popovich's graduate students:
current, past, and very far past :)
Emily presenting about standardization
efforts for dielectric measurements
of biological tissues
Andrew presenting about how to
quantify ablation zones with
flexible applicators